Monday, March 17, 2025

CCR Production

CCR #1 and #2

For the first 2 CCRs, I'm planning to film myself being "interviewed on the red carpet". Once the paparazzi snap some pictures of me, a reporter will approach me. They will initiate conversation and they will ask me both CCR question #1 and #2.

I will likely use the front door of my house for filming this part. I will be wearing a dress, suggesting a formal vibe to the video. A red blanket would be placed on the floor to indicate the red carpet setting. The flashes at the beginning of the film suggest paparazzi are taking pictures of someone important. The lighting will be unnatural but bright, this suggests a nighttime event that uses indoor lighting.

CCR #3 and #4

For CCRs 3 and 4, I came up with the idea of doing a "YouTube video" where I read and respond to fan mail. My initial idea was to do a video of myself and the part where I read the letter and respond would be in a voiceover until I realized I wouldn't actually be talking to the camera.

For these CCRs, I will break the 4th wall by talking directly to the camera. Youtube videos have a light and welcoming feel, so I plan to film them in my room. I will introduce that today my "channel" I will be reading and responding to fan mail. In the video I open a fan letter and read the letter out loud. I then respond out loud talking to the camera. The letter from the fan will contain the CCR #3 and 4 

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CCR Production

CCR #1 and #2 For the first 2 CCRs, I'm planning to film myself being "interviewed on the red carpet". Once the paparazzi snap...