Directions of Project
For this project, we were instructed to make a film that represents the word we were assigned. Our film could not contain any sounds unless it was instrumental music. The film must be 1- 1 1/2 minutes and be edited by both project members.
My Approach To Completing This Project
To plan our idea for this project effectively, my partner and I made a chart with the order of the shots and scenes we would film. We also used a storyboard to brainstorm the project which helped us quickly film our scenes in an organized manner. For the storyboard, I sketched out what each shot would look like, so when it came time to film, I would have to look at the paper and it would guide me. For the editing section, my partner used Imovie, while I used Adobe premier.
Overall, I think my partner and I did a good job completing this project. We messed up a shot because we needed a third person to film, so it was hard to pan the camera from one person to the other, but we did what we could. One of the shots were a little bit blurry, and we couldn't figure out why, so that was another thing to improve on next time. Besides that, I think our shots conveyed the word well, and made sense given the plot.
Link to Film
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