Saturday, February 1, 2025

Transition To The Cambridge Portfolio Project

 In class, we've recently begun learning about film openings and what goes into creating a good film opening. As soon as my teacher said we would be filming a film opening, my face lit up and ideas flooded my mind. We've been doing blog postings on certain media topics since the beginning of the year, so that will definitely help when planning for the project. Using the notes we've taken on film openings and the approaches we could take this project is going to be a lot of fun!

One approach that we have learned in class that I would like to focus on is engaging the audience. The genre of the film opening that my group and I have decided on is an action mixed with a coming-of-age film. Action films often contain fast-paced, exhilarating events, so I feel like taking an approach where you focus on engaging the audience would prepare them for the rest of the film. Events that typically occur in action films are very engaging, therefore focusing on engaging the audience would be a perfect demonstration of the genre of our film. Ways we could accomplish this is through up-tempo music and a lot of strategic shots to create a chaotic and thrilling opening.

Another approach I would definitely focus on is establishing the tone. This goes hand in hand with engaging the audience and action films. Since I've already mentioned how action films are very engaging, you could see how by establishing an intense, urgent, or possibly suspenseful tone could help engage the audience. The tone in our opening could be establishing through mise-en-scene elements, up-tempo music, and color schemes. 

Stay updated on my blog to see the final product!!!

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CCR #2

How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text? Reporter: I love that! One more question?...