Friday, February 21, 2025

Film Opening Mise-En-Scene Part 2

The previous post was about mise-en-scene regarding costumes and props. This post will focus on the set and the lighting which are also essential in filmmaking. 

Set/ Location

The film will take place in several locations including the beach, the Hollywood boardwalk (in Florida), and the main character (Sammy) house. The set/location used for the scenes is essential in conveying the mood and the message along with giving background to the characters. The first few shots are set in Sammy's house and it gives insight to her character, showing her uniqueness and also suggesting her mom's death in the shot of the picture of her mom on a hospital bed. The beach is used for the scenes of the the 3 girls hanging out because ging to the beach is a popular teenage hangout location.

Main location- Hollywood boardwalk/beach


The lighting is a key factor in conveying the mood of each scene. Dim lighting is typically used to illustrate sadness, fear, or mystery. Bright lighting could be used to be able to see characters' facial expressions clearer or suggest a happy or light mood. For most scenes, there is bright lighting to embrace the liveliness of being a teen. Although the shot that suggests her mom's death is the picture of her mom on a hospital bed will have dimmer lighting to enhance the sad mood. 

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CCR #2

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? Reporter: I love that! One more question? ...